Food Pantry Collection for March


Feeding the hungry is an important ministry, taught by Christ.  Each month we focus on collecting a different food item to help stock a local food pantry's shelves.  For the month of March we'll be collecting rice!  We're looking for all kinds - boxed, bags, pouches, microwave cups - white, brown, yellow, flavored etc...  Our donations are sent to Never Alone Again Resource Center in Teaneck - a ministry that does wonderful work!

Bible Study

Tuesday, March 4th, 11th, 18th, 7:00pm

In March we will be wrapping up our Bible Study series getting to know "Old Testament Characters."  We'll be learning about:  Jonah, Hannah, Samuel, Abraham, King Saul and Esther just to name a few!

If you'd like to attend any or all of the sessions, please let Fran or Pastor know so that we can order a booklet for you.

Ash Wednesday Worship

March 5th, at Noon and 7:30pm

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the church season of Lent - a holy reflective time before the celebration of Easter.  The purpose of our Ash Wednesday observance is to remember our mortality through receiving ashes on our foreheads in the sign of the cross.

We are offering two opportunities to receive ashes on Ash Wednesday.  At noon we will meet for readings and prayers in a brief service and then gather for a "brown bag" lunch afterwards.  At 7:30pm we will gather for a traditional Ash Wednesday service with music, sermon and Holy Communion.  All are welcome to join us for either service.

Midweek Lenten Worship & Meal - Noon

March 12th, 19th, 26th, April 2nd & 9th

In our Midweek Lenten worship this year we are exploring Jesus as our "Savior, Servant, Friend."

We begin with worship at Noon and then afterwards enjoy a simple soup & sandwich lunch in the Fellowship Hall.  We will once again be joined by our friends from Grace Lutheran in Teaneck and St. Matthew Lutheran in Secaucus.  

St. Patrick's Dinner

Sunday, March 16th - 4:00pm

Worship in the morning, then put your green on and come back at 4pm for a traditional Irish dinner!  We'll meet upstairs in the fellowship hall to enjoy our meal along with great conversation, music - and maybe even a little dancing! Non-alcoholic beverages provided, BYOB.

Please call Fran in the church office with your RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.

Movie Night

Saturday, March 22nd, 6:00pm

"Angels in the Outfield"

Young foster child Roger Bomman and his friend, J.P., love to sneak into baseball games of the struggling California Angels. Still in limited contact with his widowed father, Roger asks when they will be a family again. His father replies sarcastically, "I'd say when the Angels win the pennant". Taking his father's words literally, he prays for God to help the Angels win.

Pizza and beverages provided.

Pizza, popcorn and beverages will be served.

Book Group

Thursday, March 27th, 7:00pm

Faith - by Jimmy Carter

In this powerful and personal New York Times bestseller, President Jimmy Carter contemplates how faith has sustained him in happiness and disappointment and considers how we may find it in our own lives. 

Published in 2018.

Anointing for Healing

Sunday, March 30th during worship

At the end of our worship service, all those who would like to receive a prayer of healing and anointing of their foreheads with oil are invited to come forward and receive a prayer and anointing by the pastor.  Anointing with oil for healing is a practice handed down to us from the New Testament (Mark 6:13, James 5:14).

Choir Rehearsal

Wednesdays, 7:30pm

Our choir sings weekly from Sept. - June and their musical offerings add such meaning to our worship!  If you love to sing, the choir would love to have you with them!