
It's always hard walking into a new church for the first time.  We want to spare you at least some of that anxiety by giving you an idea of what to expect when you come to Trinity for worship. 

Where do I go?

You can find us at 167 Palisade Avenue, Bogota.  We worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30am.  One thing you should know at the start is that we offer street parking only.  Parking is not usually a problem though, and you should easily find a spot either right in front of church or on one of our side streets.  There are two handicapped parking spaces near the corner of Palisade & Linwood.  

We have two entrances - one at the corner of Palisade & Linwood and the other by our Memorial Garden in between our church building and school  (see the picture above).  We also have an outdoor lift to the left of the Memorial Garden entrance for those who have problems with stairs.  

Who Are We?

In our congregation you will find young and old, men and women, retirees and those who are in the workforce, gay and straight, those who love to sing and those who can't carry a note in a bucket.   We may be very different from one another, but we are all gathered for the purpose of worshipping God, finding strength and purpose for our lives and being part of a community of believers.

What is Worship Like?

Our worship service is considered "traditional," meaning our primary instrument is the organ.  We generally sing three or four hymns in worship and we have a choir who shares musical offerings.  Worship at Trinity has four main sections:  Gathering, Word, Holy Communion and Sending.  In Gathering we begin to focus ourselves on worship, preparing our hearts and minds through a greeting, communal confession and singing.  In Word, we hear the sacred writings of our faith from the Old and New Testaments and a message shared by the pastor.  Then we celebrate Holy CommunionIn the Lutheran Church, all those who are baptized and have received communion in the past are welcome to share with us in the Lord's Supper.  Those who aren't yet baptized or have yet to receive Holy Communion are welcome to receive a blessing.  After receiving Holy Communion or a blessing, worship ends and we are Sent out with song, called to share God's love with all.

What Next?

When worship is over, we generally have a time of fellowship, better known as "Coffee Hour."  This is a time to sit, enjoy a drink and a snack and chat with those around you.  For many, it's a time to catch up with others in our church family.  It can also be a time to make new friends, and we hope that you will join us so that a new friendship can blossom!