Pastor's Monthly Message

Summer 2024

Dear siblings in Christ, 

A few years ago I was motivated, partially by my son, to join a gym.  I used to be an avid runner but no longer enjoyed sweating in the heat or going out in the cold of winter.  But in the first half of 2024 there was always an excuse not to go.  Some excuses were good - vertigo and shingles - but there were others that weren't as "legit" - tiredness and disinterest.  And all the while my pants got tighter... 

Last week, my son and I made a renewed commitment to go to the gym - and boy am I sore!  I wasn't even trying to work out to my previous level...  It was proof of how out of shape I had become.  This can happen in our faith too.  If we aren't in the practice of regular worship, prayer and learning, we get out of shape.  Did you know that the word "disciple" comes from the same root as the word "discipline?"  Both words - discipline and disciple - come from the Latin word "discipulus," the word for "pupil."

In these summer months, when much of our regular church programming takes a break, it's too easy to check out altogether.  Breaks are important so we don't become burned out, but if we aren't careful, breaks from our regular disciplines can become permanent.  This is true with the gym - once you stop going it's really hard to start up again.  And this is true also in our spiritual lives.  Once we get out of the habit, or discipline, of worship, prayer and learning, it's hard to get back. 

So even though there's no choir and the service is a bit more simplified, come to worship.  Even if there's no Sunday School or Bible Study, come to worship.  Coming to worship, even when other congregational activities are quiet, keeps us in the discipline of faith, so that when September rolls around it's not a shock to our system to "get back into the swing of things."  Coming to worship also keeps our fellowship ties strong, because when you're not here you are missed!

And if you're away, as I know many will be, be intentional about connecting to God.  Zoom in with Trinity, find a local church, or bring a hymnal with you for private devotion.  Because discipleship doesn't just "happen" - it takes discipline.

Have a wonderful summer!

In Christ,
Pastor Holliday