Pastor's Monthly Message

September 2024

Dear siblings in Christ,

And so it begins! 
The rush of September is starting early this year as Labor Day is only the 2nd day of the month.  There is so much to look forward to as local children head back to school, our Trinity Preschool year starts and as we resume much of our regular programming.  Some things are going to shift around so please pay attention to the dates in this newsletter and the calendar that Fran will be sending out.  The two biggest shifts are Bible Study and choir.  We are moving Bible Study to Thursday nights, which will omit Advent and Lent interruptions.  Choir will move to Wednesday nights. 
I want to use this space to talk about a new addition to our church schedule.  As Lent was concluding back in March a few people approached me and asked if we could continue to do something midweek throughout the year - nothing fancy - perhaps just a prayer time followed by a brown bag lunch. Far be it for me to discourage prayer! So - we're going to start small and see how it goes. 

Beginning on September 11th (what better day could we ask for!) we're going to start a monthly prayer meeting at noon.  This will be a brief litany - no music, no sermon, no communion - just prayer.  There will be some structure to our prayer - for the world, our communities, our loved ones, our enemies and ourselves.  But there will also be time for us to voice specific individual intentions.  Once our prayer time is over we will have a brown bag lunch (meaning "bring your own") and fellowship.  Please come if you can - and invite your friends! 

In Christ,
Pastor Holliday