First Holy Communion, June 23rd

In Holy Communion we receive the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation.  It is a wonderful gift, given to us by Jesus himself, that is healing for the soul.  On June 23rd we celebrated with this wonderful young lady as she received this sacrament of grace for the first time.  God bless her!

Church - School Picnic, June 9th

Near the end of each school year the church invites our school families to worship and a picnic to celebrate our partnership in caring for our children!  This year a brief rainstorm kept us inside but couldn't dampen our spirits.  Another wonderful school year "in the books!" 

An Easter "Thank you!"

A special "thank you" to everyone who was involved in our Holy Week and Easter services this year!  To all those who:

read on Palm Sunday, wrote meditations on Good Friday, to our fantastic altar guild for breaking down and setting up for several services in quick succession, to our wonderful choir for the beautiful music and Richard their leader, and to Fran in the office for getting all the worship bulletins done.

It was a profound week of worship and praise - thank you all!  

+Pastor Holliday

St. Patrick's Dinner, March 17th

We had a wonderful time of food and fellowship celebrating St. Patrick's Day with one another!  Spending time in fellowship strengthens our bonds as a community - it's important to enjoy one another and have fun!  We are especially thankful for our cooks and those who helped decorate and clean up.